It just seems as though as soon as I try to get back into this blog, a healthy dose of life interferes. I've not really had a chance to get it off the ground. Hard to believe it's been about two years since I thought of doing it. And yet, I've not made it out of the hanger. Much has happened since then. The whole fantasy RPG world has changed quite a bit. The release of edition 5, the continued changing of the digital world, the social and cultural changes that seem to happen on a daily bases - all of these make it feel as though it was a different world when I started.
All of that is to say I'll try to get back onto things. My family and I are still going through my makeshift Greyhawk campaign. My oldest is now 20, however, and getting together regularly is difficult. Right now, they've turned away from the original goal of exploring the monastic ruins, featuring the classic dungeon example from the original AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide. They're going through Ravenloft. I threw that in, as I had always wanted to do, to play off the Halloween feel. Since ghost stories and winter go hand in hand, they can durp around there for a while.
But hopefully, come spring when my next oldest will be wrapping up his Junior year, we'll get back to basics and finally crack that original goal. First, we'll have to bring back the original party (which was rolled up under 3.5 rules). They disbanded when the wizard (original: Magic User) was slain by a random encounter with Hobgoblins. Fortunately, he's also a wererat (from their original adventure in the Haunted Keep), and in my world, if lycanthropes aren't killed with silver they come back the next full moon.
Anyway, the goal is to bring them back and finish that before life and growing finally send them on their ways. As we do, I'll post what happens, or what I notice, or what I think about. The fabled 'Old School Renaissance' seems to have faded, so the topics that only a few years ago were ripe for the picking appear to have dwindled. Nonetheless, whatever tickles my fancy will be posted. And who knows? I might actually be able to pick up a few readers by getting my blog's name out there. We'll see.
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