Saturday, October 26, 2013

Greyhawk as I once saw it

By 1983, I'd seen several fellow kiddoes playing this new thing called Dungeons and Dragons.  By then I had forked out money for my first purchase: the Moldvoy Basic and Expert sets.  I also had a copy of the Monster Manual, a Christmas present from my parents who didn't realize it was a game, but thought I might enjoy it given my interest in mythology and monster movies. 

One day we were shopping at the Northland Mall, a major shopping center in northern Columbus, OH.  It's gone now, but in the day, the police gave warnings to people going there at Christmastime because of the crowds.  In college it was the place to hang out.  Many memories from those old stores.  On the coveted corner on the main intersection by the main entrance was a Waldenbooks.  Its eastern wall contained a display window that opened up on the main aisles going north and south.  That day I looked and saw a large Dungeons and Dragons display with none other than the World of Greyhawk showcased, the two Darlene maps posted prominently behind the various books and accessories. 

In those days, pre-computer/pre-mega-mart, seeing a display like that was breathtaking.  I didn't buy it that day, owing to a lack of funds.  But I did buy the old Dungeon Geomorphs, which lasted me about a month. 

By the end of the year, I lost interest in the game altogether.  Boyhood crushes will do that.  I was entering my junior year, driving, making new friends.  Time moved on.  But I never forgot how stunning that display was, and several years later (when you're young they seem like decades), when I had the money, I saw the Greyhawk Box set in a local gaming store and picked it up.  It's the one I use today.  It's the reason why Greyhawk, and nothing else, is the mainstay of my campaign world.   

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