Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Welcome me!

Yes, it's another RPG blog.  What's so big about this blog?  Well, nothing really.  I'm not a fan of fantasy, role playing games, sci-fi, or most things that go with this genre or hobby.  So why the blog?  Why a play small piccolo in a global orchestra of RPG blogs?  Because I have four sons, and the older three are very interested in such things. 

Laboring under the age old adage that the family that plays together stays together, I've become immersed in the game Dungeons and Dragons.  Now before you scoff, I know the game and actually played it a few times in my younger days.  Likewise, when I say I'm not a fantasy or sci-fi fan, it's not as if I don't enjoy a good romp through Star Wars, or enjoy a relaxing evening in Middle Earth. 

It's just not my main thing.  I'm a historian and history teacher by way of education and training, with undergrad and graduate degrees in history, Medieval studies, theology and political science.  Currently, times being what they are, I work in the financial world in a Fortune 15 mega-corporation.  If I have a hobby at all, it's war gaming, though family and current events haven't allowed as much time devoted to that as I once had.

Despite it all, I must admit, I've come to enjoy this hobby, the genre, and the memories it brings.  I'm not an RPG scholar.  I own little, and know less.  My purpose is to work things out, toss out ideas, and if someone wants to give me input, or just wants to see what this all looks like to an outsider, all the better.  I'm hitting the ground running.  I'll work on the blog design and unpack things in the days and weeks to come.  Owing to my schedule, I'll shoot for a post or two a week.  We'll see. Until then, welcome aboard.  And thanks for the future memories that we'll be sharing.

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